New Product: Acrylic Planet Kits

These high quality Acrylic Planet Kits provide a long lasting and durable addition to your space games. You can take your time painting them and not have to worry about dents or chips that you would see from Styrofoam.



The Kit Contains:

1 x Acrylic Sphere

1 x Acrylic Rod

1 x Acrylic Circular Base

Assembly is easy. Simple apply epoxy or another type of glue to the end of the rod and insert it into the sphere. Then apply some extra glue to the bottom hole for stability and it should be a secure hold. This helps to center the sphere as well as add stability and strength. The base can be mounted to the rod an adhesive designed for use on acrylic.

Some examples of finished planets:


Now available in 4" and 3" versions.


Acrylic Planet Kits are available here.

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